Friday 31 January 2014

Word Cancer Day is on Feb 4th, 2014

Mythys about Cancer:
Cancer Myth #1 : Cancer is contagious.
> Cancer is not contagious. However, some cancers are caused by viruses.
> The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease that increases the risk of developing cervical, anal, and other types of cancers.
> Other viruses, such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C, which are transmitted by infected intravenous needles and sexual activity, increase the risk of developing liver cancer.
Cancer Myth #2: You don’t need to worry about cancer if none of your family member has it.
> Only 5% to 10% of cancers are hereditary.
> Some people inherit faulty (mutated) genes which make their chance of developing a particular cancer higher than normal.
> Majority of cancers are caused by genetic changes caused by factors such as tobacco use, too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and exposure to certain chemicals.
Cancer Myth #3: A needle biopsy can disturb cancer cells, causing them to travel to other parts of the body.
Truth: For most types of cancer, there is no conclusive evidence that needle biopsy - a procedure used to diagnose many types of cancer causes cancer cells to spread.
Cancer Myth #4: Regular checkups and today's medical technology can detect all cancer early.
Truth: Although regular medical care can increase ability to detect cancer early, but it cannot guarantee it. Cancer is a complicated disease and there is no sure way to always detect it.
Routine screening has been linked to a decrease in deaths from cancers of the cervical, breast and colon.
Cancer Myth #5: Treating cancer with surgery causes it to spread throughout the body.
Truth: Specialists in cancer surgery usually take biopsy samples and remove tumors without causing spread of the cancer. In many cases, surgery is an essential part of the cancer treatment plan.

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