Friday 31 January 2014

Word Cancer Day is on Feb 4th, 2014

Mythys about Cancer:
Cancer Myth #1 : Cancer is contagious.
> Cancer is not contagious. However, some cancers are caused by viruses.
> The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease that increases the risk of developing cervical, anal, and other types of cancers.
> Other viruses, such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C, which are transmitted by infected intravenous needles and sexual activity, increase the risk of developing liver cancer.
Cancer Myth #2: You don’t need to worry about cancer if none of your family member has it.
> Only 5% to 10% of cancers are hereditary.
> Some people inherit faulty (mutated) genes which make their chance of developing a particular cancer higher than normal.
> Majority of cancers are caused by genetic changes caused by factors such as tobacco use, too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and exposure to certain chemicals.
Cancer Myth #3: A needle biopsy can disturb cancer cells, causing them to travel to other parts of the body.
Truth: For most types of cancer, there is no conclusive evidence that needle biopsy - a procedure used to diagnose many types of cancer causes cancer cells to spread.
Cancer Myth #4: Regular checkups and today's medical technology can detect all cancer early.
Truth: Although regular medical care can increase ability to detect cancer early, but it cannot guarantee it. Cancer is a complicated disease and there is no sure way to always detect it.
Routine screening has been linked to a decrease in deaths from cancers of the cervical, breast and colon.
Cancer Myth #5: Treating cancer with surgery causes it to spread throughout the body.
Truth: Specialists in cancer surgery usually take biopsy samples and remove tumors without causing spread of the cancer. In many cases, surgery is an essential part of the cancer treatment plan.

Wednesday 22 January 2014 is organizing a Medical camp in Chennai, TN.

The medical camp is offering Free consultations with Doctors using Virtual Medical Kiosk

Monday 20 January 2014

Jayadeep Reddy , CEO of view on 'What Indian Online Health Companies Plan To Do' - Medianama

#Outlook14 – What Indian Online Health Companies Plan To Do

MediaNama: Which according to you were the top developments and roadblocks with respect to the online health segment in 2013? Why?

Jayadeep Reddy, eHealth Access: - 2013 has been a a great year in terms of internet and online penetration in India and users perception towards online health has completely changed and it expected to grow rapidly.

MediaNama: What has changed from 2012 to 2013? How?

Jayadeep Reddy, eHealth Access- As I said with more penetration and internet and mobile, health also becomes accessible else where with ease and consumer perception and preventive and primary healthcare practices has improved a lot.

MediaNama: Which are the consumption patterns (online & mobile) that you observed in 2013?

Jayadeep Reddy, eHealth Access- We see atleast 30% of patiens access services from mobile devices and a greater percentage of 50% doctors access on mobile

MediaNama: What kind of transition have consumers made from offline to online in 2013? Why? What are your observations?

Jayadeep Reddy, eHealth Access- While online health in 2012 was limited to searching health information, we see more users moving towards virtual consultations with doctors and appointment bookings apart from buying health gadgets.
- Trust factor among users on online doctor services has improved to a great extent compared to 2012

MediaNama: What are the likely trends that you expect to see in 2014? Why?

Jayadeep Reddy, eHealth Access:

- Medical records are going to be a game changer in 2014 and we expect more users to store and access digital health records.
- While people are undergoing preventive health check ups, it is very important to properly analyse the reports with health analytics and take right preventive measures. online health records will create tangibility among online health services.

MediaNama: What are the challenges in the online health segment that would need to be addressed in 2014?

Jayadeep Reddy, eHealth Access:

- Regulation  and proper guideline on tele medicine services and health record storage need to come faster and facilitate the industry growth with right patient data protection.


Sunday 19 January 2014

e Health Access launches

e Health Access Pvt Ltd., an Advanced Tele medicine company recently announced launch of their new Healthcare web portal This will provide virtual Doctor Consultation to patients apart from providing free personal health record storage. Company already provides a similar service via, will be considered as the main brand going forward.

According to Jayadeep Reddy, CEO “ is more user friendly and works on all mobile devices and platforms. Apart from consulting our panel doctors via phone and email, we want our customers to store and check their Health trends on our portal and adopt more preventive measures to stay fit & healthy. Health record storage is a free service from and going forward we will be working to sync multiple health gadgets for storing data and giving valuable health advice to the users.”

Developed with latest technology, a user will be able to create consultation with a doctor in less than 45 seconds. eVaidya mobile application will be available shortly for Android, iPhone and Windows smartphones. eVaidya app will help users to have quick and instant connectivity with doctors apart from storing valuable health data for notification and alerts from our virtual health center. Company is aimed at helping users in understanding their health trends with the network of specialists across India.

Company believes that Health analytics is going to be an important tool in constantly encouraging users to adapt a healthy living. Also people adapting to preventive health care in India is increasing at a constant pace and it is expected to grow faster with internet and mobile penetration and via health gadgets.